A solid content strategy is king of the marketing world — and we all have to show it some respect.

You need someone to know your brand and the right communication strategies for it; then deliver relevant, engaging messaging to target audiences.

That’s me. Consider me your… content queen.

brand storytelling

I am strategically driven to understand the “why” behind a brand’s purpose to ensure its content aligns with the impact it wants to make.

I learn brands inside and out to develop messaging and content that carries its intention throughout all communications channels — in the way that best resonates with their audiences.

content planing

Regular content is critical to keep your brand visible to potential customers and top-of-mind for return business.

While marketing teams plan events and promotions, update sale literature, coordinate trade shows, and do their day-to-day tasks (while wearing a few extra hats)…

I’ll map out a content calendar, write the copy and design the graphics go with it, and schedule it all out ahead of time.

communications strategy

Every business has unique needs and challenges. A good communications plan and content strategy should reflect that.

Too often, marketers take a cookie-cutter communications approach — copying a formula that worked for Client X and pasting it in for Client Y, expecting repeatable results.

I create communications plans and content to help businesses achieve their specific goals.

content marketing help for busy teams

Hi, I’m Lily! I’m a seasoned content marketing pro with 15+ years of experience.

Helping businesses better tell their stories is what drives me.

I’ve done it all: writing, graphic design, website building, social media branding, email marketing and more.

And because I have this wide range of skills, I know what the expectations are from creative conception through deployment.

Where I shine is in identifying the communications strategies that businesses need to achieve their goals, building them out with compelling content, and ensuring their brand presence and messaging stays current.

Contact ME

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you! Let me know what's on your mind, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

lily millie scott

Phone: 515-338-0133
